Scheda personale di Piergiorgio Strata

Piergiorgio Strata is Emeritus Professor of Neurophysiology in University of Turin and President of the ‘National Institute of Neuroscience-Italy’. His main scientific interest concerns cerebellar functions with particular reference to neuroplasticity. He started his carrier in Pisa working with Giuseppe Moruzzi and as post-doc with the Nobel laureate Sir John Eccles in Canberra and Chicago. He was Honorary Associated Professor of Neurology at the Northwestern University of Chicago.
He was awarded several Prizes including the Herlitzka Prize, the Medal of the Italian National Academy of Science and the 2004 Feltrinelli Prize. He is a member of the Academia Europaea. He has served scientific Societies as Council Member of the European Neuroscience Association and the European Brain and Behaviour Society, President of the Italian Neuroscience Society, Vice-President of the European Neuroscience Association, member of the Executive Committee of the European Dana Alliance for Brain. Among the IBRO activities he served as a member of the Governing Council, of the Executive Committee and as a Treasurer. He was also Director of the Symposia and Workshops Program and he is now Chair of the Publications Committee.
Among Governmental positions, he was on several Advisory Committees of the Ministry of University and Scientific Research, and of Health, on the Management Committee of the Program ‘Biomedicine and Health’ at the European Community, in the Fourth and the Fifth Frame. Coordinator of the Neuroscience National Committee. At present he is Delegate of the Minister on the Board of Trustees of the Human Frontier Science Program.
Selected recent publications:
Strata P, Provini L, Redman S (2012) On the concept of spinocerebellum. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Published online. doi:10.1073/pnas.1121224109.
Ruediger S, Vittori C, Bednarek E, Genoud C, Strata P, Sacchetti B, Caroni P (2011) Learning-related feedforward inhibitory connectivity growth required for memory precision. Nature 473:514-518.
Cesa R, Premoselli F, Renna A, Ethell IM, Pasquale EB, Strata P (2011) Eph Receptors Are Involved in the Activity-Dependent Synaptic Wiring in the Mouse Cerebellar Cortex. PLoS ONE 6(4): e19160. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019160.
Mandolesi G, Autuori E, Cesa R, Premoselli F, Cesare P, Strata P (2009) GluRdelta2 expression in the mature cerebellum of hotfoot mice promotes parallel fiber synaptogenesis and axonal competition. PLoS One 4(4):e5243.
Cesa R, Morando L, Strata P (2008) Transmitter-receptor mismatch in GABAergic synapses in the absence of activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:18988-18993.
Scelfo B, Sacchetti B, Strata P (2008) Learning-related long-term potentiation of inhibitory synapses in the cerebellar cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:769-774.
Cesa R., Scelfo, B. Strata P (2007) Activity-dependent presynaptic and postsynaptic structural plasticity in the mature cerebellum. J Neurosci 27: 4603-4611.
Illes J, Blakemore C, Hansson MG, Hensch TK, Leshner A, Maestre G, Magistretti P, Quiron R, Strata P (2005) Science and Society: international perspectives on engaging the public in neuroethics. Nature Rev Neurosci 6: 977-982.
Carulli D, Buffo A, Strata P (2004) Reparative mechanisms in the cerebellar cortex. Progr Neurobiol 72: 373-398.
Sacchetti B, Scelfo B, Tempia, Strata P (2004) Long-term synaptic changes induced in the cerebellar cortex by fear conditioning. Neuron 42: 973-982.
Cesa R, Morando L, Strata P (2003) Glutamate receptor delta2 subunit in activity dependent heterologous synaptic competition. J Neurosci 23: 2363-2370.